Look what I found! You know the lovely things you gave me that we thought we'd lost? The Prof managed to find them again!
Gosh, that's a lot of exclamation marks, but I really was very relieved when he handed me a little silver box with all the lovely gifts you got me from Lynne at The Altered Element. I'm still 'sperimenting with the stuff to go in the lightbulbs, but I'd forgotten you'd added some of these marvellous little cogs as well. What can I say, they make smashing centre pieces for the knitted wire rose brooches. I decided to go with watch faces and cogs in the end as it takes long enough to hand sew the wire to the Sparkles sieve brooches without adding hand stitched padded washi paper flower centres like the one I made for you (pretty, but very fiddly). This one has copper and brown knitted wire, a black watch face and a small copper spoked gear. This one has a slightly different centre: a medium sized silver gear thingy, an old watch face and a lovely little blue heart to go with the lovely blue knitted wire.
Its always hard to get the Brownie to paint these properly, but they've come out rather well, I think. I've made a few more in different colours and with old watch faces as their centres, but I know you were particularly interested to see what I did with the gears.
Ah well, no rest for the Pixie. Best get back to recorded all my discoveries and tidying things up. Please give our love to Mr Dickens and Mr Rivett (and not forgetting Mr Woppit, as if anyone could!)
huzah, it's all so very sparkly!